

你們。最瘋狂的事情剛發生。您不會相信它。 2020年7月28日,我們的博客發布了VIRAL。現在,大約有1700次瀏覽!這是最瘋狂的部分:幾乎所有這些觀點都來自羅馬尼亞!現在我知道羅馬尼亞可能有說華語的人,但可能不是1700年!我真的很想知道這是怎麼回事!如果您是這些羅馬尼亞博客查看者之一,請在下面留下評論。我保證我會回答!我只是真的想知道發生了什麼!我不像互聯網上的令人毛骨悚然的假人!我只是你的普通人!好,謝謝您的支持!我真的很高興能吸引人們的監督,分享《有時》的偉大之處。如果您願意,我有時可以用羅馬尼亞語!我可以看到有需求!
-有時球隊:莉莉安·貝克特(Lilyann Beckett),奧黛麗娜(Audrina Chalbany)和阿米莉亞·羅斯汀(Amelia Rostene)。



Hi! We are The Sometimes. A business that started out writing magazines for barbies (thesometimesbylily.blogspot.com) in the summer of 2020. But we realized that wasn't our calling. Today, our team on The Sometimes posts on Mrs. Incognito's Hate Blog (ihateyoubad.blogspot.com), a blog that started out as a joke but is now our most popular blog. Today, our team still has the same people it had in the summer of 2020: Audrina Avelon Chalbany, our drama queen, Amelia Claudstine Rostene, the actual common sense, and of course, the woman who started this all. Lilyann Beckett. Today, we don't make blogs for education or wellness or self-improvement. We make blogs for the sole purpose of drama. Sure, it might be shallow. Weird. Some might even think it's a waste of time. But we're doing what we love to do, and you can't get better than that. ❤, The Sometimes

